He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.

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the Destreza Glossary

Definitions: New Science... by Don Luis Pacheco de Narváez
Atajo es cuando una de las armas se pone sobre la otra (no en alguno de sus estremos) y con mayores o iguales grados de fuerza la sujeta y hace que cualquiera treta que formare sea con más movimientos y participación de más angulos de los que pidiere la simple naturaleza suya.

Atajo is when one of the weapons is placed over the other (not in any of its extremes) and with greater or equal degrees of force subjects it and makes it so that whatever technique that it forms will be with more movements and the participation of more angles than those that its simple nature requires.

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (A-B), 1726
Atajo. En la esgrima es la postúra de la espáda, de modo que unida ò libre corte la línea del diámetro, para que la espáda del contrario no pueda passar à herir sin encontrar con ella. Y tambien poner el atájo es poner la espáda sobre la otra cortándola. Lat. Compendiaria quadam enfis adversarii interceptio in arte Gladiatoria. Pachec. Destreza, part.5.fol.288. Aunque tambien teniendo atajo en la espáda contrária, se hiere por encíma de ella, haciendo extrémo con el brazo. Quev. Mal.5.Xac.10 “Mafcaráque es anguléma, / Cientifico y Archimédes, / y mas amígo de atájos / que las mula de alquiléres.”

Atajo. In fencing it is the positioning of the sword in such a way that united or free it cuts the line of the diameter so that the adversary’s sword cannot pass to strike without encountering it. And also, placing the atajo is placing the sword over the other, crossing it. Lat. Compendiaria quadam enfis adversarii interceptio in arte Gladiatoria. Pachec. Destreza, part.5.fol.288. Even though also having atajo on the opposing sword, one strikes above it, making an extreme [extension] with the arm. Quev. Mal.5.Xac.10 “Mafcaráque is anguléma, / Scientific and Archimédes, / and more friend of atajos / than the mule of alquiléres.”

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599 (Spanish-English)
Atájo = a cut, a slice, in a iourney or voy age the cut or shortest way, a turne pike in a way: a weare in a riuer: a stile in a hedge, a gate. A flocke or heard of cattle.

Atajár = to discouer, to forrage or spoile, to cut off or stop of his purpose, to make short, to make a weare in a riuer.
Atajádo [m.] = cut off, shut off from his purpose.
Atajadór = one that cutteth off or stoppeth the way, a skoute, a spie, a boot-haler or stealer of cattle.
Atajár camíno = to stop the way. Also to goe the shortest way or cut.
Atajár enemígos = to cut off enemies by getting betweene them and their home.
* Atajasolázes = a cutting or cutter off of pleasure or mirth.

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599 (Spanish-English)
From The Guide into Tongues

to Cut = Tajár
a Cut = Tajáda

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599 (Spanish-English)
From A Most Copious Spanish Dictionary (1617)

Atájo = A. a short cut, a by-way, to come sooner to the iourneyes end, vid. Atajár. (unnumbered page)
Atajár = A. To cut off the way, to goe the shortest cutte, per allusionem de omnibus rebus dicitur, vt Atajár razónes, Atajár inconueniéntes, Atajár los enemígos, to cut off the reasons, to cut off the inconueniences, to cut off the enemies, &c. vid: Tajár.

Glossary: Compendio de la Filosofía y Destreza de las armas de Geronimo de Carranza por Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez

11. Atajo en la deftreza, es quando una de las armas fe pone fobre la otra, que la que está fugora, tiene menos partes por do falir.

Atajo in the destreza is when one of the weapons is placed over the other so that the one that is apt to move away has fewer places by which to escape.