He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.

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the Destreza Glossary
C - Cuchillo

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599 (Spanish-English)
Cuchillo = a knife.
* Cuchilla = a chopping knife, a cleauer.
* Cuchilla de montáña [f.] = a ridge of a hill.
* Cuchillázo [m.] = a fauchion, a great knife.
* Cuchilléro = a knife maker.
* Cuchillón [m.] = a great knife.
* Cuchillos de las álas = the pinnions of the wings. Also kniues with the marke of the wing in them.
Mángo de cuchillo = the haft of a knife.
Cábo de cuchíllo = the haste of a knife.
* Cáchas de cuchíllo [f.] = the haste of a knife.

Different Types of Knives
Calabóço [m.] = a dungeon for to cast downe condemned folke in, a crooked knife.
Castradéra [f.] = a cutting or gelding knife.
adór, Rasadór, or Raspadór = a shoomakers cutting knife.
Escosína [f.] = a shauing knife, a filing toole.
* Escosína de Quéso = a scraping knife to scrape cheese.
* Espátula [f.] = the shoulder blade, a voiding knife, or slice to take crums and other things from the table. an Apothecaries slice.
Lançón [m.] = a knife to let blood with, [&]c. a great launce.
* Machéte [m.] = a great knife that the pe- sants and olde men vse in Spaine to weare at their girdles like a butchers knife, or a cookes knife.
Ráspa [f.] = a file, an eare of corne, a shooma- kers cutting knife.
Tranchéte [m.] = a shoomakers paring knife.
* Trinchéte [m.] = a minsing knife such as cookes vse.