He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

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the Destreza Glossary
E - Espada

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599 (Spanish-English)
Espáda [f.] = a sword, a rapier.
Espáda négra = a foyle, such as in fence schooles they vse.
Espadádo [m.] = girt with a sword.
Terciádos = short arming swords.
* Estóque [m.] = a sword or rapier, a tucke long and narrow.
* Montánte = a two handed sword.
* Tarjéta [f.] = a greate long dagger, or a short sword.
Verdugo = a hangman. Also a tucke or rapier made fower square like a spit.
* Verdúgos estréchos = tuckes, swordes or rapiers made square like a spit.
* Tíros de espáda = sword hangers.

Parts of a Sword:
EmPuñadúra, [f.] = a haste or handle of a sword, rapier, [&]c.
Guarnición [f.] = a garnison, embrodery, garding of a garment, stitching of a garment, hilts of a sword.
Hója [f.] = a lease of a tree or herbe, a thin plate, the blade of a sword, a sheete of paper, a leafe of paper.
* ója, or Hója = a leafe of a tree, a leafe of paper, a sword blade.
vide Láminas = plates to make corslets with, the blade of a sword. Also a laund or plaine of a downe.
* Pómo [m.] = the pummell of a rapier.
Púnta [f.] = the point of a rapier or other thing.
Púño [m.] = a fist, a coard in a ship called the clue, the handle of a sword, dagger, [&]c.

Semi-Related Words:
Atauxía [f.] = damasking of a knife, dagger, sword, or such like, or engrauing in stone or wood.
Blandeár = to brandish or quiuer a sword, to bend, to bow. Also to make soft or gentle.
Cimitárra [f.] = a faulchion, a Turkie sword.
Contéra [f.] = the chape of a sword or dag- ger.
* Copagórja [f.] = a priuie, close or pocket dagger. Also a short sword. [* Copcla]
* Dálle = a staffe hauing in it a dagger or sword blade. Also a kinde of syeth. Also Dálle, for Dad le,
Espadéro, [m.] = a cutler, one that maketh swords.
Mélla [f.] = a gap or breach in a knife, sword, or other thing. Also the gap of a tooth wanting in the mouth. Also the like of any other thing.
Mellávdo [m.] = left or made with a gap or sharde, as a sword, knife, or such like, or a gappe betweene the teeth some being wanting.
Melladúvra [f.] = a gap or breach in sword, knife, or any thing, the gap of teeth wanting in the mouth, [&]c.
Mellár = to make a gappe or breach in a sword, knife, or any other thing. Also to make a gap by wanting a tooth or teeth in the mouth.Pavon['a]do, made of a sanguine colour, as they vse to sangnine sword hilts.
Talabávrte [m.] = sword hangers.
Vára reál = a mace of iustice, or sworde of iustice caried before the magistrate.

* Hazér se a lo lárgo = to get a loose out from another, as two men offering to drawe swords against another, or two ships meeting to fight.
Herír de púnto = to thrust with a weapon, to run desperately vpon, to runne through with a sword, [&]c.