He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

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the Destreza Glossary
P - Postura

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (O-R), 1737
Postura. s.f. La planta, acción, figúra, situacion ò modo en que está puesta alguna persona ù cosa. Viene del Latino Positio, que vale lo mismo. Lat. Status. Gestus. Modus. Ribad. Fl. Sanct. Vid. de S. Simeon Estrelita. Estaba en pié en la colúna, con las manos levantadas al Cielo, no cansandose con postúra de suyo tan penósa. Lop. Dorot. f.75. De la postúra angular dice Carranza que salen todas las herídas: qué postúra tendría el amor quando me dió las mias?

Positioning [posture]. s.f. The planta, action, figure, situation or mode [way] in which some person or thing is placed. Comes from the Latin Positio, that means the same thing. Lat. Status. Gestus. Modus. He was at the foot of the column, with his hands raised to Heaven, not tiring with his very painful posture. Lop. Dorot. f.75. From the angular positioning Carranza says that all the wounds [strikes, stabs] come: what posture would love have when it gave me mine [wounds]?

Dictionary: Florio 1598 (Italian-English)
Postura = the setting or disposing of a mans bodie, as Positura.

Glossary: Compendio de la Filosofía y Destreza de las armas de Geronimo de Carranza por Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez

62. Poftura de proporcio', es qua'do el cuerpo està derechame'te afirmado fobre ambos pies.

Proportioned positioning, is when the body is maintained directly over both feet.

64. Poftura co'prehende lo q’ hazen el cuerpo, y la efpada juntos.

Positioning includes that which the body and the sword do together.

66. Poftura Angular, es qua'do la efpada eftá parada.

Angular positioning, is when the sword is stopped.

67. Poftura eftrema, es qua'do està rematada la fuerça de la efpada, de qualquier fuerte q’ eftè el cuerpo.

Extreme positioning, is when the sword's strength is rematada, from whatever strength that is the body.

69. Poftura ultimada, es lo mifmo q’ eftrema.

Final positioning, is the same as extreme.